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Rev. Dr. Aaron Patterson's book "Your Body is a Temple" is an exercise and diet guide that's available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback versions at discounts. "Your Body is a Temple " mp3 song album can also be downloaded. Please click thie block below to order today! Proceeds go to the Church of Peace and Noah's Ark.
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People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan. Meal planning is important for most people due to the fast lifestyles we have. Having healthy meals can benefit your fat loss and fitness plan. Be sure to click on the Amazon Books online button. Let us design a custom diet for you to help you reach your goals
Our diet analysis breaks down the foods and drinks that stops you from achieving your goals. Dr. Patterson is a certified expert in Sports Nutrition with over 30 years of experience in health and fitness and has competed in body building contest and is considered a master trainer. He has trained college students, gymnasts, power lifters, body builders, martial artist and many others.
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